Gaelscoil Mhachan

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Right click and print! Drop this form into us at Gaelscoil Mhachan, Ave de Rennes , Mahon, Cork to register your child.

Child's full Name:…………………………………………………………..

Date of Birth:……………… Date of Entry to School:…………….

Place of Birth:…………….. Place in Family:……………PPS No.………..

Names and classes of other children in family attending this school……….


Class child will attend:………………………………………………………


Telephone Number:……………………

Father's Name:………………………...Mother's Name:………………..

Father's Occupation:……………………….Telephone No……………………

Mother's Occupation:………………………Telephone No…………………..

Did the child attend school previously (nursery, naνonra, primary school )

Principal's / Organiser's Name:………………………..

Name and Address of School………………………………………………….

Does your child have any special needs:…………………

Please give details:…………………………………………………………….


Is the child weak in any of these areas and give full details where necessary:

Sight - Hearing - Speech - Liver - Limbs - Co-ordination -
Did the child suffer from any of the following illnesses - give full details where necessary:-
Bronchitis - Meningitis - Adenoids -

Tonsilitis - Epilepsy - Asthma -

Scarlet Fever - Chest / Throat illness -

Is the child allergic to any medicine eg. Penicilin, Antiseptic

Any further details:………………………………………………………………...

Arrangements in case of emergency:-
In the event that it becomes necessary to send your child home early (e.g. illness, accident, school closure)and that we are unable to contact you at home, please give two other addresses that can be used (neighbour, relative, friend, etc) you are requested to ensure
(a) that the people you nominate are aware of this arrangement and are satisfied with it.
(b) That the people nominated live near the school.
Name Address Telephone


Family Doctor…………………………………………….

Any other information about the child or family which would help the child's teacher…………………………………………………………………………………..

Father's Signature……………………………………..
Mother's Signature…………………………………….

I have read and I understand the school's Code of Good Behaviour and Homework Policy.

Parents Signature…………………………………………..
Tα cead ag an scoil measϊnϊ a dhιanamh ar mo leanbh agus tα cead ag mo leanbh freastar ar Oid. Tac. Foghlama mαs gα.

I herby consent to the testing of my child and to his / her attendance at learning support if necessary.

Siniϊ Tuistν (Parents Signature)…………………………………… Dαta…………...

Ιide Scoile

Buachaillν Cailνnν
Bottle green V-neck jumper Bottle green V- neck jumper
Bottle green tie Bottle green tie
Grey Pants Bottle green pinafore
Cream shirt Cream blouse
Bottle green socks Bottle green socks

School jumper with school crest available from:

Tracksuit with school crest available from the school .

School Jersey available from the school .

School T- Shirt with crest available from the school .

Please note:

1. Assembly begins at 8.50am sharp.

2. The school authorities are not responsible for children who arrive at school before 8.50am or after their classes finish.

3. No crisps, cream crackers or bars are allowed for lunch - sandwiches and fruit only please.

4. As in all cases where groups of people gather head lice can spread quickly.
Parents are urged to treat their child immediately should this occur.

5. Parents are welcome to discuss their child's progress with the class teacher by prior appointment.

leathanach baile | Clarϊ | Fιilire | Music Generation | Caidreamh Scoil Baile | Scoil Chothaithe Slainte | Scoil Ghlas | 1916 2016 | Spσrt | Nascanna agus polaisaithe | Gaeilge | Ranganna | Foireann na scoile | Teangmhαil | Site Map

Gaelscoil Mhachan ,Ave de Rennes,Machain,Corcaigh. Fσn:021-4357688 Facs:021-4357617 , |

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